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Yoga for the Hips and PsoasWorkshop with Adrienne

Yoga for the Hips and Psoas

Workshop with Adrienne

28th October 15:00-17:30

The psoas muscle is involved in almost every action and movement of the body, even thoughts and feelings can be linked to it - also known as bio-intelligence.  The psoas influences healthy and balanced posture and is associated with stiffness in the hips and spine - it affects our freedom of movement.

In this workshop we will begin to understand the emotional connection of the psoas and hips as we practice actions and asanas to help create opening, stability and create a healthy juicy psoas. An awakened psoas and hips enable the free flow of the subtle energy body and gives a sense of freedom.


About Adrienne.

Adrienne is an Iyengar Intermediate 2 teacher who has been practicing yoga since the 1990s and teaching since 2013. She is a Mentor to trainee Iyengar teachers, has taught on the Iyengar Medical Study for Long Covid 2021 (St John University) and has co-taught at a Yoga Therapy classes helping students with anatomical issues, end -of-life-disease and injury. She is a Mindfulness & Meditation teacher, runs regular Pain Management courses in Hertfordshire and is a Holistic body work therapist.


You will need: You will need: a blanket or equivalent, a yoga mat, blocks, bricks and bolster if you have them, and a belt. Equipment is available to borrow if you need it, except for blankets.




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