Entering into Rest
A Winter Workshop with Claire Sangster
Sunday December 1st 2024
In this modern day world, our nervous systems are can be switched into a heightened, activated state nearly all of the time, leaving our bodies working hard and fast constantly, powered by stress hormones. Winter is the season when the natural world quietens down and enters into the energy of rest and restore. Nature teaches us that if this season of rest is not honoured, the yield tends to not be as abundant in the spring (showing us how important resting really is).
By learning through experiential practices different ways to switch off and also how to recognise when we are activated, we are given the gift of awareness in how we are within our bodies, thus promoting optimum health and well-being. This in turn means less pain, more energy, less tension and more resilience.
Using the myofascial yoga approach, meditation and creative practice, we will learn how to enter into - and recognise - the gifts of resting in our own bodies.
Who can attend?
This workshop is suitable for everyone
About Claire
Please click here to learn more about Claire
Claire is running this workshop as a fundraiser for the Secret Space, so payment is on a 'pay-what-you-can afford' basis from £10 upwards.
All proceeds will go to support the Secret Space Charity